8. Backcountry training Continues

Just when I thought getting my private pilot certificate was the pinnacle, my adventures into the backcountry were only just beginning. Richard started teaching me to hone my landing short skills. We went to Bernard Airstrip as well as Wilson Bar and again the excitement felt like when I was first starting to fly. He also kept getting out of the airplane, launching me right back into the moment of my first solo. We returned to Shearer Airstrip and Richard recorded video of me from the ground as I launched from the airstrip and landed it softly back down. The excitement of nailing challenging approaches and take-offs is addictive enough. But as my skills sharpened and matured, ever so gradually my fear began to be replaced with a tempered, solid confidence that only comes with knowing that although we always stay vigilant, always ready, and always aware of the many variables, I can rely on my training to react safely and appropriately.


9. Alaska


7. Private Pilot Checkride